The list of Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages topics that were added by IELTS student in 2023. These Advantages and Disadvantages questions could be repeated from previous months. Keep in mind that the provided Advantages and Disadvantages questions are not predictions. The collection of Advantages and Disadvantages questions is updated every hour. Choose one of the topics and start practicing answering this type of question to prepare for the IELTS exam and to get a good grade.
Below is a list of IELTS sample essay questions for advantage / disadvantage essays in writing task 2. These essay types are often taught together with discussion essays but I think it is worth studying them separately to be better prepared.
advantages and disadvantages essay list
Is globalization a beneficial process? What are the pros and cons of a religious upbringing? Do the drawbacks of immigration outweigh the benefits? These questions can become a foundation for your advantages and disadvantages essay. And we have even more ideas to offer!
The definition of advantage means anything that provides a more favorable position, greater opportunity, or a favorable outcome. Mainly the synonyms of advantage are gain, benefit, profit, and many other. You can find advantages in almost all things and concepts that we are using, facing, listening, watching, etc. in life.
The definition of disadvantage is the state or an example of being in an unfavorable circumstance or condition. Also, you can say it as something that puts one in an adverse position or condition. The synonyms of disadvantage are drawback, limitations, negative, disbenefit, etc. Every topic includes both advantages and disadvantages because nothing is perfect in this world.
In the above sections, you have seen advantages and disadvantages meaning, synonyms, and some example sentences. Now, we are taking a step forward & going to know about a few Advantages and Disadvantages Topics that are most commonly asked in various private and govt. competitive exams and IETLS too.
So, candidates who are appearing for such entrance examinations should be aware of the top-most topics on advantages & disadvantages. Just click on the available links and happily grab all the information of the respective concept.
Not just in things, it is also important to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of general topics like political issues, technologies, financial sectors, online education, exams because it helps to make a good decision while speaking or writing in various competitions.
What I meant to say here is preparing all the topics prior before going to appear any competitive exam or IETLS can be the most awesome thing. Also, you can find many topics that have advantages more than disadvantages.
Most of the time we will see and use advantages and disadvantages terms while discussing specific things or any common topic. But the terms that can be used rather than advantages & disadvantages are as such:
If we take any advantages and disadvantages of the topic, we can discuss it by listing them one by one or by using the comparison table or by putting them in an image format for easy sharing. With the help of our available listed topics, you can find the pros and cons in all three ways for better understanding & knowledge.
In an advantages and disadvantages essay your task is to describe the positive and the negative sides of a specific topic. You must include examples and reasons to support your ideas. Sometimes you will also be asked to give your opinion. You can include your personal opinion in the introduction and conclusion of the essay.
On the other hand, traveling by plane also has some disadvantages. To start with, it can be quite expensive, especially if you want to travel in the comfort of First Class or Business Class. What is more, flights are often delayed, and this means you may have to spend a long time waiting in the airport or miss connecting flights. In addition, you may arrive in New York while your suitcase has gone to Paris.
Many parents are concerned about the health hazards of having their children spend so many hours staring at a screen. This increase in screen time is one of the biggest concerns and disadvantages of online learning. Sometimes students also develop bad posture and other physical problems due to staying hunched in front of a screen.
It involves a situation that you are asked to comment on, emphasizing the advantages and the disadvantages. You should practice these types of questions through different platforms and understand the pattern of answer delivery. These questions can come from different fields also. In this article, you will find all the relevant information about the advantages and disadvantages of IELTS essay topics.
In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this.
It is extremely important to understand the pattern and structure of the sections and the questions asked under the sections. The challenge to solve these questions is to meet their structure because each topic of advantages and disadvantages essay questions is vast and each topic requires a particular structure to be followed to answer the question.
You can end up losing marks on these questions if you have not prepared the topics before as per the structure. You should add valid points in the advantages and disadvantages body portion along with some supportive points.
You must have supporting points for each perception whether it is a benefit or a drawback. If your ideas are supported by factual points, they will make an impact. You should not split the advantages and disadvantages, rather you must put the benefits in a single body frame and disadvantages in a different body frame altogether.
You must not go deep into criticizing something or favouring any element or factor. The wisdom is that you must include the safe and secure points in the body of advantages and disadvantages. These are a few tips to be carried out in the section of this paper.
The thesis statement is the most important part of the introduction. It gives the reader clear information about the content of the essay, which will help them to understand the essay more easily. The thesis states the specific topic, and often lists the main (controlling) ideas that will be discussed in the main body. It may also indicate how the essay will be organised, e.g. in chronological order, order of importance, advantages/disadvantages, cause/effect. It is usually at the end of the introduction, and is usually (but not always) one sentence long.
This thesis statement tells us the specific topic of the essay (advantages and disadvantages of cars) and the method of organisation (advantages should come first, disadvantages second). It is, however, quite general, and may have been written before the writer had completed the essay.
This thesis gives us more detail, telling us not just the topic (advantages and disadvantages of cars) and the method of organisation (advantages first, disadvantages second), but also tells us the main ideas in the essay (convenience, pollution, traffic problems). This essay will probably have three paragraphs in the main body.
Below is a discussion essay which looks at the advantages and disadvantages of car ownership. This essay is used throughout the essay writing section to help you understand different aspects of essay writing. Here it focuses on the thesis statement and general statements of the introduction (mentioned on this page), topic sentences, controlling ideas, and the summary and final comment of the conclusion. Click on the different areas (in the shaded boxes to the right) to highlight the different structural aspects in this essay.
The internet has made knowledge immediately available to people through computers and smartphones all around the world. Much of this knowledge is also free. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
Before you begin to write your IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay, make a brief plan. You should make a note of two advantages and two disadvantages, along with specific evidence/ support for those ideas.
Example: This essay discussed both the advantages and the disadvantages of free and immediate information available on the internet (What the essay focused on). In short, while the benefits are enormous, the drawbacks should not be overlooked (General Statement).
The internet has made knowledge immediately available to people through computers and smartphones around the world. Much of this knowledge is also free. Do the advantages of this type of information outweigh the disadvantages?
This type of question requires that you do more than simply state the advantages and disadvantages. You are also required to give an opinion on whether you think there are more advantages or more disadvantages. This means that you will need to change the structure of your essay slightly, as you need to present a clear position. The introduction that we looked at above would need to be extended to include this position:
Hello Shahid, this is a common question! The short answer is there are different ways to approach each question type, so you will find different advice, even from Jay and his teaching team over time. Our most recent advice will be in our platform coursework, accessible via a paid account. Briefly, you do not need to mention the specific advantages and disadvantages in the introduction, and the task response criteria does ask you to make your option clear throughout, so it is a good idea to have your opinion in both introduction and conclusion.
The first part of thequestion will always be a statement. You will then be asked to writeabout both the advantages and disadvantagesof the idea stated. You mayalso be required to state your opinion. 2ff7e9595c