Learn More P15288 ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software engineering -- System Life Cycle Processes This International Standard establishes a common framework of process descriptions for describing the life cycle of systems created by humans. It defines a set of processes and associated terminology from an engineering viewpoint. These processes can be applied at any level in the hierarchy of a system's structure. Selected sets of these processes can be applied throughout the life cycle for managing and performing the stages of a system's life cycle. This is accomplished through the involvement of all stakeholders, with the ultimate goal of achieving customer satisfaction. This International Standard also provides processes that support the definition, control and improvement of the system life cycle processes used within an organization or a project. Organizations and projects can use these processes when acquiring and supplying systems. This International Standard concerns those systems that are made by humans and may be configured with one or more of the following system elements: hardware, software, data, humans, processes (e.g., processes for providing service to users), procedures (e.g., operator instructions), facilities, materials and naturally occurring entities.
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Learn More P24748-1 International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 1: Guidelines for life cycle management This document provides guidelines for the life cycle management of systems and software, complementing the processes described in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207. This document: - addresses systems concepts and life cycle concepts, models, stages, processes, process application, key points of view, adaptation and use in various domains and by various disciplines; - establishes a common framework for describing life cycles, including their individual stages, for the management of projects to provide, or acquire either products or services; - defines the concept and terminology of a life cycle; - supports the use of the life cycle processes within an organization or a project. Organizations and projects can use these life cycle concepts when acquiring and supplying either products or services; - provides guidance on adapting a life cycle model and the content associated with a life cycle or a part of a life cycle; - describes the relationship between life cycles and their use in applying the processes in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (systems aspects) and ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 (software aspects); - shows the relationships of life cycle concepts to the hardware, human, services, process, procedure, facility and naturally occurring entity aspects of projects; and - describes how its concepts relate to detailed process standards, for example, in the areas of measurement, project management and risk management.
Learn More P24748-2 International Standard - Systems and software engineering -Life cycle management - Part 2: Guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 (System life cycle processes) This document is a guideline for the application of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288. It addresses system, life cycle, organizational, project, process, and concept application, principally through reference to ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748-1 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288. It gives guidance on applying ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 from the aspects of strategy, planning, application in organizations, and application on projects. It also provides comparison of the differences between ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 current revision and the prior version, ISO/IEC 15288:2015.nThis document is intended to be consistent with both ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748-1 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 in its treatment of life cycle concepts and systems engineering processes.
Learn More P24748-6 ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and Software Engineering -- Life Cycle Management -- Part 6: Systems and Software Integration This standard: u2022provides requirements and guidance for use of the integration process and its relationships to other system and software life cycle processes as described in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017, u2022specifies information items to be produced as a result of using the integration process, including the content and format of the information items. This standard provides a detailed presentation of system and software integration, considering: u2022the related concepts of integration, such as interface, verification, and validation; u2022the possible composition of a system comprised of any mix of products and services that can include hardware, software, humans, data, processes (e.g. review process), procedures (e.g. operator instructions), facilities and naturally occurring entities (e.g. water, organisms, minerals), u2022the life cycle stages of a system at which integration may occur, and u2022the context of the domain in which the system functions.
Learn More P24748-9 ISO/IEC/IEEE Draft Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Part 9: Application of system and software life cycle processes in epidemic prevention and control systems Many countries have adopted information-based prevention and control measures during the epidemic, and have developed numerous epidemic prevention and control systems and software. Most of the processes in the entire life cycle of the epidemic prevention and control systems are most likely to be completed in the event of an epidemic. Compared with the normal state, there will be special situations such as poor communication caused by the need for personnel to maintain a safe distance; limited transportation and logistics, resulting in insufficient infrastructure protection; short delivery cycles and frequent iterative upgrades; and special requirements such as accuracy, disaster tolerance, degradation capability, safety, user capacity and stress testing, and rapid demand capture. In this case, it is believed that in the development process of epidemic prevention and control systems, the application of the life cycle process method specified in the ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 or ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 standards can effectively help guide the process management and application of the epidemic prevention and control systems.
Learn More 15026-4-2021 ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Systems and software assurance -- Part 4: Assurance in the life cycle This document provides guidance and recommendations for assurance of a selected claim about the system-of-interest by achieving the claim and showing the achievement. The guidance and recommendations are given in a System Assurance process view on top of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and a Software Assurance process view on top of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207.
Learn More 15939-2017 ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering--Measurement process This document provides an elaboration of the measurement process from ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 12207. The measurement process is applicable to system and software engineering and management disciplines. The process is described through a model that defines the activities of the measurement process that are required to adequately specify what measurement information is required, how the measures and analysis results are to be applied, and how to determine if the analysis results are valid. The measurement process is flexible, tailorable, and adaptable to the needs of different users. This document identifies a process that supports defining a suitable set of measures that address specific information needs. It identifies the activities and tasks that are necessary to successfully identify, define, select, apply, and improve measurement within an overall project or organizational measurement structure. It also provides definitions for commonly used measurement terms.
Learn More 21839-2019 ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard -- Systems and software engineering -- System of systems (SoS) considerations in life cycle stages of a system This document provides a set of critical considerations to be addressed at key points in the life cycle of systems created by humans. This document refers to a constituent system that will interact in a system of systems as the system of interest (SOI). These considerations are aligned with ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and the ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748 framework for system life cycle stages and associated terminology. Selected subsets of these considerations may be applied throughout the life of systems. This is accomplished through the involvement of all stakeholders with the ultimate goal of achieving customer satisfaction by ensuring that when delivered, the system will operate effectively in the operational or business environment which will typically be characterized as one or more systems of systems. This document concerns those systems that are man-made and are configured with one or more of the following: hardware, software, humans, procedures and facilities.
Learn More 21840-2019 ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Guidelines for the utilization of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 in the context of system of systems (S0S) This document provides guidance on the application of processes in ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 to systems of systems (SoS). The scope of this document is the same as ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, which addresses more than systems engineering activities. This document provides general guidance for each ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 process and process outcome in the context of SoS, but it does not address specific activities, tasks, methods, or procedures. Additional processes and process outcomes unique to SoS can still be needed and are not covered by this document. This document explores the similarities and differences between systems and SoS and, by extension, the similarities and differences between engineering of systems and SoS. The guidance contained in this document is expected to evolve as the discipline matures.
Learn More 24748-1-2018 ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering - Life cycle management - Part 1:Guidelines for life cycle management The purpose of this document is to facilitate the joint usage of the process content of the latest revisions of both ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207, by providing unified and consolidated guidance on life cycle management of systems and software. This is to help ensure consistency in system concepts and life cycle concepts, models, stages, processes, process application, key points of view, adaptation and use in various domains as the two International Standards are used in combination. That will in turn help a project team design a life cycle model for managing the progress of their project. Hence, ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 are the documents that apply the concepts found in this document to specific processes. 2ff7e9595c