HENRY H. LIU, PHD, is a Software Developer at BMC Software, Inc., with a physicist background from his prior career. His primary responsibilities at BMC include helping build performance and scalability into BMC's cloud computing and enterprise service management software products. Dr. Liu is the author of the highly acclaimed Software Performance and Scalability: A Quantitative Approach (Wiley). Permissions Request permission to reuse content from this site
Java Performance And Scalability A Quantitative Approach Pdf 12
Non-Functional Requirements are the constraints or the requirements imposed on the system. They specify the quality attribute of the software. Non-Functional Requirements deal with issues like scalability, maintainability, performance, portability, security, reliability, and many more. Non-Functional Requirements address vital issues of quality for software systems. If NFRs not addressed properly, the results can include:
Deep learning is part of a wider family of artificial neural networks (ANN)-based machine learning approaches with representation learning. Deep learning provides a computational architecture by combining several processing layers, such as input, hidden, and output layers, to learn from data [41]. The main advantage of deep learning over traditional machine learning methods is its better performance in several cases, particularly learning from large datasets [105, 129]. Figure 9 shows a general performance of deep learning over machine learning considering the increasing amount of data. However, it may vary depending on the data characteristics and experimental set up. 2ff7e9595c